Friday, March 4, 2011

Fleas: The harsh truth...

If you live in GA, and most of you do, its only a matter of time before your pet is constantly exposed to fleas.  Did you know that you live in the flea capital of the United States?  Flea's live year-round in Georgia and whether your pet is showing symptoms or not, fleas are present.

Some of you might say; "Well, I've never seen a flea on my pet." 

This is a good thing but it doesn't mean that your pet doesn't have fleas.  The adult flea (The bug that you can see with the naked eye) represents only 5% of the flea population.  This means that you can not visualize 95% of the flea population including eggs, larva and pupa.  These are the things that live in your carpet, couch and in your pets bedding.  These flea offspring also live in the cracks of your floors and in that spot under your bed where your pet sleeps. Fleas also live in your yard, under trees, in mulch, also under crawl spaces, decks and stairs.

Some may be mildly offended by the notion that I am telling you that your pet has fleas despite the fact that you've never seen them.   Please allow me to clarify, I am not saying that all pets are INFESTED.  I am simply saying that it is bold to suggest that your pets don't have fleas as these bugs have been around for millions of years with only one goal:  Find a host.

It is also bold for us (Veterinary Scientists) to think that we can 'prevent' flea infestations.  Again, fleas have been in existence for a very long time and no topical or oral chemical is going to eradicate these bugs. 

Each female flea can lay up to 20 eggs per day.  Flea eggs hatch in about 21 days and those new fleas start laying promptly.  The flea population can grow exponentially in just one month and that's if you start with only one flea!

Here are the facts:  fleas exist and they thrive in our climate.  There are 2 big flea 'blooms' each year in this area of the country (SE United States)  One in September and one in April.  The best way to prevent a problem in your yard, in your home and on your pet is to use a flea management product year round. 

Flea management products include but are not limited to:  Frontline, Capstar, Comfortis and Sentinel.  Notice that I did not call these products flea prevention...Using these products in appropriate combinations can really limit the chances of an out of control flea population.  Using these products as directed, year-round, virtually eliminates the possibility of an infestation :)

Once again allow me to give you a reality check:  No flea management product provides a force field around your pet.  The manufacturing company's actually rely on the fact that fleas are going to jump on your pet at some time.  If fact, all flea management products require the flea to be on your pet for for the product to work.

In a nut shell, at PetWell we believe that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound cure.  In the case of fleas we believe that an ounce of management is worth a pound of cure.  Fleas can cause significant gastrointestinal and dermatological issues in your pets.  Issue's that usually require multiple veterinary visits each requiring workups, medications and ultimately exorbitant bills.   The stress of these trips to the vet is un-necessary and can be prevented simply by utilizing a monthly flea preventative year-round.

Please feel free to write, email, call or stop in to learn more about flea management products as we'd be happy to customize a flea management protocol for your pets.
