Picture number was taken just inside the door that connects our lobby to the Wag-a-lot lobby. This door is going to be open at all times during business hours to provide easy access from our reception area to Wag-a-lot's retail area.
The second picture is from the same point in our lobby. I have turned 90 degrees to the left and I am looking out the front door into the parking lot in front of the building. You can see a small portion of the front desk on the left...
The next photo was taken facing toward the door that leads out of our lobby into the back part of the hospital. This door provides access to the lab/pharmacy, treatment area, surgical suite, ICU and cat ward. The door on the right side of this nook (barely visible) goes into exam room number one. The door on the left side of the nook goes into exam room two...
Next is a wider angle of the same space. This photo allows you to visualize more of the front desk. Ultimately, the blue wall will be lined with comfortable chairs.
Finally, this picture is taken facing the front desk from a central point in the lobby. Unseen in the this photo is the front door immediately to my right and the entrance into the Wag-a-lot lobby which is directly behind me.
Isn't it fantastic?! We are very proud of how things are turning out and we are looking forward to showing everyone around in the near future. I hope you enjoyed the tour of our lobby and I will continue the tour tomorrow with photos of our special procedures area. Take care until then!
Isn't it fantastic?! We are very proud of how things are turning out and we are looking forward to showing everyone around in the near future. I hope you enjoyed the tour of our lobby and I will continue the tour tomorrow with photos of our special procedures area. Take care until then!
-Dr. Berger
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